Save the Date for the Upcoming
Build a Greener Adirondacks:
Green Building Training and EXPO,
sponsored by the WILD Center, Tupper Lake, NY, April 29-May 1
This 3-day event brings together some of the leading national experts on green building and design to the North Country. For more information see below or go to http://www.wildcenter.org/.
Build a Greener Adirondacks: Green Building Training & EXPO, The WILD Center, Tupper Lake, NY, Friday April 29— Sunday May 1, 2011
Learn the latest in green building technologies & methods!
For Architects, Contractors, Builders, Homeowners, Businesses,
Municipalities, & Anyone Interested in Green Building
Day 1: Contractor Green Building Training - Friday, April 29, 9am-3pm
For Builders, Contractors & Architects - a 4 hr course on the fundamentals of green building. Upon completion, participants are eligible to take a Fundamentals certification exam to obtain Green Professional (GPRO) certification on new energy efficiency and green building regulations. Additional information at www.gpro.org.
Cost: $150 Advance online registration; $160 Day of (both include admission to Days 2and 3)
Day 2: Green Building Symposium & EXPO - Saturday, April 30, 8am-5pm
For Builders, Homeowners, Businesses, Municipalities, & Anyone Interested in Green Building Assembling over 30 building science, product and technology experts from around the northeast. Presentations on many topics: green building science • reclaimed lumber • effective building insulation • passive design considerations • alternative green construction techniques • and more.
Featuring leading industry experts:
Johnathan Todd, Jonathan Todd Ecological Designs, Eco-design expert in the northeast
Rob Roy, Earthwood Building School, expert on cordwood masonry & green roofs
Robert Clarke, Serious Materials, high performance windows expert
Dan Frering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, national expert on lamp lighting & efficiency
Green Building EXPO & Product Trade Show: Vendors and exhibitors displaying the newest green products, systems, & technologies.
Cost: $45 advance online registration; $55 day of. Day 2 & 3: $55 advanced online; $65 day of
Day 3: Green EXPO, Speakers & "Ask the Energy Expert" - Sunday, May 1, 10am-5pm For General Public, Homeowners, & Families - Celebrate opening day of the WILD Center with experts speaking on energy efficiency & appliances, weatherization, renovations, and an "Energy Doctor is In" booth where local experts can diagnose your home's energy efficiency ailments and provide "remedies." Green EXPO Vendors & Exhibitors, and special ’wild encounters’ for kids led by museum staff.
Cost: Members free or paid admission (adult: $15; Youth 15 & under: $9; Seniors 65+: $13; Ages 3 & under free)