Welcome to Going Green in Saratoga: Living sustainably one day at a time!  My purpose with this blog is to share my efforts to live a more sustainable daily life - converting my yard to garden, biking more, buying local - while at the same time create a community forum to share ideas and resources on what others are doing to "relocalize" and lessen our impact on this earth. Please share your ideas and stories of inspiration on how you or someone you know is "going green".

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Still time to vote..Vote Smart

There's still a little time to vote, and I hope any readers here in the U.S. exercised your right - which for many of us, we wouldn't have the right if it weren't for the efforts of many many people who came before us, advocating for that right.

So, this blog is mostly off the topic of green, and, represents solely the opinions of this writer and not of any other affiliated organization.

In addition to exercising your right to vote, I also encourage you to consider a few things, which have mostly influenced me in my decision on which circle to fill in this morning on my ballot.

1) Need for a new Green Economy: Governor Romney, in his debate with President Obama accused the President of giving his business friends billions of dollars in 'Green Pork' - meaning, solar panel manufacturing firms, and other green energy firms.  In my opinion - I would much rather have the President give money to go toward creating a more environmentally sustainable and resilient economy and infrastructure than continuing to give millions in tax benefits to big oil companies or offshore manufacturing. 

Still, it's really time we embraced shifting to a new 'green' economy.  The Governor's statement shows no indication he supports such a move.

2)  Lets Not Turn Back the Clock on Women's Rights: Lots of people have shown that Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan has voted repeatedly to weaken a women's right to choose. Here's my feeling on it -- as a Woman, I want to be the one to choose what I do with my body. I'm okay with some limitations for health reasons.  Still, whether it's a sin is between me and my God, not for a man to decide (and lets all agree, a majority of our Congressional representatives are still men). 

It's time women like me, and others, who have benefitted so much from the efforts of so many women and men before me, spoke up, and said We Won't Turn Back the Clock on a Women's Right To Choose.  To me, today's vote was that simple.

3) Who Represents the Majority: In my opinion, a look at the difference in the crowds at the Republican National Convention (mostly all white, with a small mix of black and hispanic), and the Democratic National Convention (a beautiful sea of diversity), show clearly who these parties represent.  I want a leader who represents the diversity of this country, and from a party that truly represents the diversity of people in this country.

I don't usually take such a strong stand, but as we head to polls closing and lots of reporting, I hope you, the reader, took the time to vote, and considered some of these elements when you voted.

To a peaceful, happy, healthy, country and election results!