Welcome to Going Green in Saratoga: Living sustainably one day at a time!  My purpose with this blog is to share my efforts to live a more sustainable daily life - converting my yard to garden, biking more, buying local - while at the same time create a community forum to share ideas and resources on what others are doing to "relocalize" and lessen our impact on this earth. Please share your ideas and stories of inspiration on how you or someone you know is "going green".

Monday, January 23, 2012

Sustainable Saratoga Regift-athon: Tues Jan 24th

Passing along a notice of Sustainable Saratoga's monthly meeting, to be held tomorrow, Tuesday, January 24 from 6:30-8:30, at the Saratoga Springs City Hall, 3rd floor Music Hall,
featuring a Regift-athon Swap Meet, fashioned after the ideas of 'freecycle', a way to recycle and reuse clothing or household items which have outgrown their use for you, 'One man's garbage is another man's treasure.'

Sustainable Saratoga's Local Economy Committee

WHAT: Community exchange of items
WHEN: January 24th 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Community Meeting starts at 7:15 p.m.
WHERE: Saratoga Springs Music Hall (3rd Floor City Hall) 474 Broadway
DETAILS: If you receive a gift this holiday season that you think someone else might enjoy more, bring it to the regift-athon! A regift-athon is a swap of items between community members without an exchange of money.
Read Alex's blog post on Life Beyond Stuff.CONTACT:alexchaucer@gmail.com for more details.

The Regift-athon Swap Meet is an event where participants can bring new and gently used items which will be swapped for other new or gently used items.

The Regitft-athon is being held in conjunction with the Monthly Community Meeting that will start at 7:15. Non-swappers are welcome to come, observe and participate in the valuable conversation.

We will hear from two experienced local swappers: Christina Davis of the "From Scratch Club" and Sharon Oliver from Freecycle.org.

6:30 p.m. Swappers arrive set-up your items on tables
6:30-7:15 p.m. Networking and swap item review
7:15 Christina from the "From Scratch Club" will help facilitate the swapping and will share with us "How swapping works!" Sharon will share about Freecycle.org
7:30-8:30 p.m. Open swapping
8:30 p.m. Clean up

1. All participants determine the value of their own items and what they are willing to exchange their things for.
2. Carry in - Carry out: Take home any unswapped items you have brought and items you have earned through swapping.
3. All exchanges are final.
4. You are responsible for any tax implications from your exchanges.

Swapable items: Any physical item except food
What to do now?
1. Mention you are attending by clicking attending on this Facebook event.
2. Post pictures or comments about items you are bringing here on the event page on Facebook.
3. If you don't use Facebook, please contact Alex Chaucer by email to tell him your name and what you plan to bring. Thank you.

Volunteers Needed:6:30-7:00 Registration & Set-up, 8:30 Clean-up

Thank you for your considerate participation.
The Sustainable Saratoga Communications Team

Friday, January 20, 2012

NOFA-NY Annual Conference This Weekend in Saratoga

This weekend marks the 30th Annual NOFA-NY Conference (Northeast Organic Farmers Association of New York). If you haven't ever had the opportunity to attend and have the time - this is one of those conference you should.

You can learn everything from the basics of Beekeeeping 101 to discussions on Organic Food Policy at the state and federal level. This conference is really fun and interesting, and for those of you local Saratogians - it's right in our downtown, at the Saratoga Springs City Center.

For more information and a schedule go to http://www.nofany.org/events/2012-winter-conference (they are only taking walk-in registrations at this time, according to their website)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

NYSERDA Storm Relief Funds for homeowners & farming equipment

While searching for some other grant funding I came across these two very relevant and timely rebate and grant programs through NYSERDA for residents and businesses impacted by Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee.

The first is the New York State Appliance Rebate Program to provide rebate assistance to residents who lost appliances or equipment as a result of Hurricane Irene or Tropical Storm Lee, to replace lost equipment with EnergyStar appliances. Applicants cannot be receiving FEMA compensation.

Applications for Storm Relief rebates are being accepted. Rebates will be accepted on a first come, first served basis until program funding has been exhausted or January 31, 2012 whichever comes first. Funds are limited. Note: All Storm Relief Rebate Applications must be postmarked by January 31, 2012.

To qualify: Residents affected by Hurricane Irene: approved appliances and equipment must be purchased on or after August 29, 2011. Residents affected by Tropical Storm Lee: approved appliances and equipment must be purchased on or after September 9, 2011. For additional information go to http://www.nysappliancerebates.com/.

The second is The Agriculture Disaster Energy Efficiency Program, available to assist farms and on-farm producers in New York State damaged by Hurricane Irene and/or Tropical Storm Lee. Many New York State farms sustained significant damage by the recent storms and existing aid is primarily focused on crops and soil conservation. Under this program, $4,175,000 is available to provide financial assistance toward projects replacing and installing a farm’s electric and natural gas distribution and use equipment and systems damaged during the storms in non-residential facilities. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis through 5:00 PM Eastern Time April 30, 2012 or until funds are exhausted. For more information go to http://www.nyserda.ny.gov/Funding-Opportunities/Current-Funding-Opportunities/PON-2422-Agriculture-Disaster-Energy-Efficiency-Program.aspx