Welcome to Going Green in Saratoga: Living sustainably one day at a time!  My purpose with this blog is to share my efforts to live a more sustainable daily life - converting my yard to garden, biking more, buying local - while at the same time create a community forum to share ideas and resources on what others are doing to "relocalize" and lessen our impact on this earth. Please share your ideas and stories of inspiration on how you or someone you know is "going green".

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

NYC Rooftop Greenhouse

Life seems to be packed with work and projects these next few weeks. So, I'm going to keep posting by re-posting information I find.

This one follows my theme of 'Can NYC truly be environmentally sustainable?' Below is a link to a story that covers plans for a major rooftop greenhouse on the roof of an old Navy Warehouse in Sunset Park in Brooklyn. Plans are to produce a million pounds of produce per year using hydroponics (water).

If the average American consumes somewhere between 350-791 lbs of fruits and vegetables per year, this greenhouse could provide fresh produce for anywhere between 2,857 and 1,264 individuals. (Note: trying to find good #'s on average fruit and vegetable consumption proved time intensive, but these are numbers I found on the low and high end)

Here's a link to the full article.


(image from online article, Eric Michael Johnson for the NY Times)

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