Welcome to Going Green in Saratoga: Living sustainably one day at a time!  My purpose with this blog is to share my efforts to live a more sustainable daily life - converting my yard to garden, biking more, buying local - while at the same time create a community forum to share ideas and resources on what others are doing to "relocalize" and lessen our impact on this earth. Please share your ideas and stories of inspiration on how you or someone you know is "going green".

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Holiday Muse - 'Tis the Season to be Jolly and Stressed?

It is the season to be jolly and merry, but also busy with all the seemingly endless 'holiday' tasks - make my list, buy my gifts, follow up on gifts like the txt msg to my sister in law 'Got Game of Life', or urgent voice msg from my sister 'Beyblades on sale at Target today and tomorrow only.' But wait, I'm in the middle of making homemade truffles this lovely Sunday afternoon, and besides - the bus doesn't stop at Target!!!

Fortunately the Beyblade crisis was averted (that was after my sister had to spell 'beyblades' 3 times on the phone for me and a google search - obviously I don't have 8yr old boys in my household.) So, I called Target and indeed, they were already out of stock, so my sister stopped at another Target and the crisis was averted. All will be well when my nephews open this gift on xmas eve, and I was saved from figuring out how to get from the Bon Ton to Target (on foot, no sidewalks.)

Yes, I admit. I do shop at the mall, on occasion. I mean, I remember as a kid wanting that fabulous toy (for my sister and I, it was the Barbie Camper - how cool was that?) So, when I buy for my nieces & nephews I tend to buy them the current trendy toys. It is the holiday afterall.

But if I can I prefer to buy local or make handmade. This year I discovered my Christmas dessert 'thing', or what I might call my 'holiday muse' - chocolate truffles. I gave them as gifts to some siblings and they were a hit. The best part, I clipped the recipe from the Sunday Albany Times Union about 3 or 4 weeks ago. Yes, I do still read the paper in print (and then use the paper to light the fire in my wood stove.)

With my big family Christmas behind me (I think we maxed at 30 adults & children in my parent's house), I'm left with a more low key xmas eve preparation.

There are so many things we can all do to be 'green' this Christmas, use recycled paper, buy biodegradable paper plates & napkins, shop local or purchase as much of your holiday food as you can from the farmer's market. So I encourage you to pick one thing. And, relax if some things are out of your control. For years I've been trying to get my mother to save, wash and reuse plasticware at family gatherings.

A small aha moment came this past weekend when I was clearing my plastic fork and plate after our early xmas dinner, and my sister-in-law said, 'save your fork, MaryAnn (my mother), is washing and reusing them.' I guess sometimes our 'green' habits do rub off on others, often in subtle and pleasantly surprising ways.

So, I hope you can find your 'green' thing for the holiday, and remember to also relax and enjoy this busy time of season. For me, on to decorating my tree.

Have a Happy, Jolly, Stress-free Holiday and Great New Year! And as always, 'think green'.


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